Posted by D L on

  • First of all.... I apologize for lack of blog posts... but we've been using TWITTER & INSTAGRAM much more often to update news about the shop and what's going on... 
  • If you want to know what's happening first it's best to follow us on there @solesupremacy
  • We are NOT having ebay auctions this week and they will resume again on Sunday the 22nd. We plan on having close to 1,000 items up for bid if not MORE! The TEAM went in hard to make this auction happen for you guys...
  • I'm not sure if you guys have ever posted on ebay but if you have you know the time it takes to post 1 listing. Now times that by 1,000! CRAZY!
  • However on Monday the 23rd we will NOT be accepting offers IN STORE for ebay items(resumes on Tuesday the 24th)...if you have a BIN offer message us through ebay for a response. However be patient because with 1,000 items up I'm sure we'll get at least 500 messages within the first day... 
  • REMINDER - we will NOT be taking in any shoes this week from locals or non... we will resume offering quick cash/direct purchase and trades starting on Tuesday the 24th. 
  • THANK YOU! Save your money and get ready for the auctions!!!

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By D L

Today me and one of my boys took a 10 hour total road trip and met 3 different people to pick up a portion of...

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By D L

Going into 2014 we're going to have some big plans/changes going on with the shop... We hope to announce new details as they come but...

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