Going into 2014 we're going to have some big plans/changes going on with the shop... We hope to announce new details as they come but only time will tell...
We're running out of ROOM again at the new shop and some expansion is much needed... and hopefully a collaboration coming soon...
Just wanted to give you guys some heads up and little hints... again, as always I apologize for lack of blog posts... most of our OG supporters probably miss the old site and how I used to blog about something at least every other day but lack of time due to the support we now receive is the reason I can't find the time to do so as often as I'd like...
However follow us on IG and TWITTER @solesupremacy for a bunch of mini blogging/rants to stay more up to the minute with everything that's going on at the shop.
Thanks! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.