We just hit 15,000 positve feedback on ebay... I remember when I had less then 100 and it felt like forever just to get there and now that we hit 15K it's really unbelievable to imagine this many shoes have passed through my hands at one point or another... It's taken almost 5 years but we did it. It's all about the people who SUPPORT us and we appreciate it as you are the ones that keep us moving STRONG.

JUST FYI - There are a TON of high quality FAKES of DB 4's... here's a few things to look out for but honestly these FAKES are getting good and harder and harder to spot unless looked at closely...
Check for BLUE stitching...
Below is a LEGIT pair - Notice the material around the collar and of course size sticker(helps)
Below is a FAKE pair - Notice the difference in the material from the pic above
Hard to tell many differences here but you can notice the arrow pattern on the legit pair is lighter in color and not as bold.
It's hard to tell but you notice the difference in color of the white mid-soles
I have a TON of people asking daily when I will set up more BEATER BOXES... I just got them all sorted out the last few days. I hope to post some as soon as I can but we're really BUSY at the moment with other stuff we have planned for the shop to take care of first. Rest assure that I will get them done as soon as I can though and I will tweet it or post it on IG so best to follow us @solesupremacy
Read BELOW...
This is probably one of the hardest decisions I have to make for the shop right now... Read below...
I'm not sure if it's going to work and I know some people are going to HATE this change but I know others will LOVE it... I apologize in advance to my regulars who always use the buy it now option...
The change starts the next upcoming round of auctions...
Also, auctions now run 5 days and start on Monday and end on Saturday.
Why are we doing this? A couple of reasons... Ebay keeps changing its policies on removing listings and doing transactions outside of ebay so we want to limit the amount of things that are against policy because we need our account to be in good standing... At times due to the amount of shoes we post and people always asking for BIN's we sometimes forget to remove SOLD items from ebay, then someone wins the auction and we realize we F'D up and didn't end the auction. We're trying to LIMIT the mistakes that go on. Also, it now gives EVERYONE a fair to chance to win any shoe at the price they are willing to pay. I hope that we don't loose any supporters because of this but I'm sure I will but honestly in business you will NEVER be able to please everyone. Someone is always going to have an opinion of what you should and shouldn't do and that's a part of owning a business. My intentions are always to have the best CUSTOMER SERVICE available and at the same time limit the amount of stress I personally have with running and managing the business.
On another note... just got these in #NIKEAIRGANG
The homie @sneakerslut23 came in rocking his "X X"
Thanks again to EVERYONE who supports what we do... we hope to continue to bring you guys a wide variety of shoes with competitive pricing and superior service.