Posted by D L on


For those who have SUPPORTED me/us for years, you know in the past I used to take BREAKS/VACATIONS almost every month...


Because it was extremely hard to manage all of the things that went into running the "BRAND" by myself and I needed time away from the "JOB" to just enjoy life...

Of course now, as time has gone on...I have a full staff that helps me run the daily duties of running the store and all of it's aspects but time to time I still need those breaks to just sit back and relax...

Over the rest of the year there will be a few time periods where the PHYSICAL SHOP will be CLOSED completely and a few weeks that the shop will be OPEN but we will NOT be taking in any shoes or trades...


I am the person who ACCEPTS/MAKES all the deals that go down at the shop in terms of DIRECT PURCHASE aka QUICK CASH and TRADES. Yes, I should train or have someone else at the shop able to APPROVE deals, trades, etc... but it honestly just gets too complicated especially with the amount of supporters we have...someone quoted this, someone quoted that, just all different forms of communication errors can occur...

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up of what's going to occur throughout the rest of the year...

It's nothing major...Throughout the rest of the year it may add up to 30-40 days or so of either being CLOSED completely or being OPEN but just not taking in any shoes at that time.

I will put together a SCHEDULE as soon as I can.

THANK YOU for your continued SUPPORT

Remember... LIFE > SHOES ... ENJOY IT.  

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