Posted by D L at
Everyday the back of our counter looks like this...
We hope to get everything up and posted as soon as we can... dictated by whatever business needs to get done first at the shop...
We are still ONLY taking in shoes we don't currently have in stock(guaranteed) but for shoes we do have you can still email or call us and we'll give you the go ahead or decline...
Basically we won't just be taking stuff we have a TON of... if we have 5 or 6 pairs in a particular shoe of the same size we won't take in more... if we have 2 or 3 we'll probably take another depending on the demand of the shoes...
One of our TOP priorities at the shop is to make sure all orders are SHIPPED promptly within 24 to 48 hours(excluding weekends & holidays)
These BEATER BOXES already SOLD but just for those who continue to cop, we always tend to post them on IG now to let people know when they're going up...
Josh Childress came into shop recently and took a picture with @solerestorer
ATTENTION: DO NOT ship us shoes that are NOT double boxed.
We apologize that we haven't been posting on the blog as often as we like, we've been using IG mainly as a sort of mini blogging...
Make sure to SUPPORT(follow) us on there to stay up to date with the shop... @solesupremacy
Same SH!T, different day... the daily rotation continues...
Thanks to everyone that shows love to us... #RESPECT